Welcome to NGAOM!
Member Benefits
As a member you can enjoy a multitude of benefits and discounts including member discounts for AT&T, Llasa, Blue Poppy, and hundreds of other vendors. For complete benefit information outlining hundreds of health, auto, education, home and legal savings, go to www.unionplus.org and choose the union, “OPEIU .”
Public Member Directory
One of the benefits of being an NGAOM member is that your practice will be listed in our Public Directory to help consumers find licensed acupuncturists in their area. As a new or renewing member, this is a good time to ensure we have the correct information listed. Please review your listing on the directory and if you find errors or you need a new listing, submit that information on Member Directory Update Form so that your business can be visible.
Account Management
Visit your account page for your current membership account information, billing and payment history.
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